ICF - Professions of Faith

Sunday%2015th%20January%202023 - 2nd%20Sunday%20after%20Epiphany

hands at computer screen Isaiah 49:1-7; Psalm 40:1-12; 1 Corinthians 1:1-9; John 1:29-42

If there is one word that resonates through today's readings it is 'vocation'. Isaiah speaks of a calling that he traces back to his very conception; Paul speaks of his calling to be an apostle; the Gospel reading includes John's declaration of Jesus' vocation and goes on to mark the moment when early disciples embrace a new calling and purpose.

Vocation is a term that is often associated with office and ministry in the Church, but a key purpose of organisations like ICF is to recognise that engagement in the world of work in all its expressions can be a God-given calling. Today's readings might provide the opportunity for a congregation to reflect in broad terms on how they seek to fulfil their Christian calling and identity through the roles they play in society.