Articles and papers from ICF to download

Our archive of papers and articles published in recent years is here to download. There is no charge for any of these, but you may wish to consider a donation if you find them useful.

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International Workers Memorial Day - Dave law offers a reflection on being safe and loving our neighbours

Thought for the Day - Revd. Dr Michael Banner's Radio 4 Thought for the Day from May 2017 - reflecting on the nature and purpose of work

Should Christians Strike? - ICF Chair, Revd Phil Jump weighs up the issues for Christians considering Industrial Action - (Originally published September 2011 - revised 2016)

God, Mammon and Bankers - Written early in 2012 when the Libor controversy and other scandals were hitting the banking sector

911 Remembered - An article and reflection originally written for the 10th Anniversary of the bombing of the World Trade Centre

Archbishop reflects on Coalition - An article produced in response to ICF President's remarks in the New Statesman in June 2011

Pembroke Refinery Accident - A brief reflection and prayer produced in the aftermath of the Pemroke Refinery explosion in May 2011.

21st Century Prophets - Originally published in ICF news May 2010, outlining the emerging vision of ICF to release the message of working Christians.

Being Human - Originally published in ICF newsletter, January 2010; reflecting on the dangers of de-humanising people at work

Should Business Schools teach Christianity? - Originally published in ICF news May 2010, reporting on a speech by David Muskett of Manchester Metropolitan University.

Protest and Prophecy - Published in the Baptist Times, March 2011; Phil Jump reflects on Liverpool City Council's withdrawral as a Big Society pilot, and the challenges faced as the Church seeks to respond to Government Spending cuts.

Ideal Conditions by Moira Biggins - Article originally written by ICF member Moira Biggins for newsletter January 2007. Challenges the common idea that the "ideal" for Christians is to be in a place of peace and ease, arguing that being in a difficult situation can have greater Gospel purpose.

The End of Work - Phil Jump reports on the ICF Annual Lecture 2006 "The Happiness Hypothesis" by Canon. Dr. John Atherton (From Newsletter Dec 2006)

Mission Shaped economy - Reflections on contemporary mission by Terry Drummond.

The times they are a changing - Reflections on Industrial Mission by Terry Drummond.

The whole world's a stage - Phil Jump reflects on faith and the world of the arts

"Your life in the balance" - Paul Pearce reflects on work-life balance

Address given by Michael Fass - at St Margaret's Church, Westminster Abbey at a service on the eve of the National Prayer Breakfast 2004

Living the Christian Faith in an age of extremes. Believing - Belonging - Sharing - Paper presented at: 'Perspectives of Christianity in Europe in the 21st Century' International Ecumenical Conference at Vsetin, Czech Republic 23 -26 September 2004 by Terry Drummond

Various Articles on Governance by Michael Fass -

Swap Shepherds for Accountants - ICF Press Release - December 2003

When did you last pray for your stockbroker - ICF Press Release 26 September 2003

Lay discipleship myth or reality? - Sermon preached by Terry Drummond at the Lunchtime Eucharist at St Martin in the Fields on 21 November 2001 and afterwards the basis for discussion at the Industrial Christian Fellowship AGM

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ICF Books

Two New publications from ICF

We are pleased to announce the publication of two new titles to celebrate 100 years of ICF. Love@Work is a collaboration between historian Ian Randall and ICF trustees John Weaver and Phil Jump. It traces the story of ICF from its earliest beginnings as the Navvy Mission and explores lessons that can be learned for contemporary mission.

Love:Work is a collection of prayers and reflections organised around 10 commandments for working people.

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